MAY! Skin Cancer Awareness


The month of May is observed as World Skin Cancer Awareness Month. According to some estimation, about 5.4 million patients are diagnosed with various forms of skin cancer each year only in the United States of America.

Our very own Wolverine i.e. Hugh Jackman has been struggling with Skin cancer and his cancer was treated about 3 times and once again he has developed the symptoms. But what is actually skin cancer? Let’s find out all about it.

Skin cancer is the abnormal and out of control growth of skin cells particularly in the epidermis (upper most of the skin layers) of the skin caused by unrepaired damage to the DNA caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation or lack to protection from UV radiations.
The sites where skin cancer may develop includes Arms, hands, scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest where the exposure to sunlight is greatest. However, it can also develop in areas with least exposure to sunlight such as genitals, toenails, fingernails and palm.


The major factors that may contribute to the development of skin cancer includes:

  Ø FAMILY HISTORY: The risk for having skin cancer may be increased by many folds if one of your parents or siblings had cancer.

  Ø FAIR SKIN COLOR: Melanin is a pigment that imparts dark coloration of the skin and protects the body against the ultraviolet radiations. Although all skin tones are affected by skin cancer but fair toned individual have a less amount of melanin in their bodies making them prone to be exposed greatly to the radiations. Blond/Red haired individuals and those with light colored eyes who freckles and sunburn easily are at a very higher risk to develop skin cancer.

  Ø WEAK IMMUNE SYSTEM: Individuals who are diagnosed with diseases such as AIDS may have a weak immune system which may result in lack of protection on skin and may result in development of cancer. People who are taking immunosuppressant drugs for organ transplantation or cancer chemotherapy may also have a greater risk factor of developing cancer.

  Ø SUNNY CLIMATE AND HIGH EXPOSURE TO SUN: People who lives in climatic regions with sunny environment or those who live in high altitudes spends a great majority of time in sun and are therefore more prone to get skin cancer.  

  Ø EXPOSURE TO RADIATION: Skin tanning, including exposure to tanning lamps and beds puts you at the higher risk to develop cancer. People who are treated with radiation therapy for diseases such as acne and eczema may also be regarding as a contributing factor.

  Ø PERSONAL HISTORY OF SKIN CANCER: If an individual have developed skin cancer once, the risk of having it again is increased by many folds.


There are three basic types of skin cancers affected different areas of the body and showing different features.

      1.     BASAL CELL CARCINOMA: It is the most common type of skin cancer globally; every 8 out of 10 patients with skin cancer are suffering from basal cell carcinoma. And yes this is what Hugh Jackman has.

The areas affected in this type are neck and face and it may appear as:
·        A pearly or shiny pink or shite bump. It can be mistaken as a mole
·        A bleeding sore that comes and go
·        A flattened, brown colored patch present even on arms or sholders
and may cause itching, hurt or no discomfort at all.

      2.     SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA: It can develop any part of the body but is more pronounced in areas with high sun exposure such as face, lips, neck, ear, shoulder and even scalp. It may appear as:
·        A red, firm nodule which develop in an area of skin injury
·        Thick, scaly patches that may bleed
·        The skin around the affected area shows signs of skin damage such as pigment changes, loss of elastic potential of skin and wrinkling.

      3.     MELANOMA: It can occur in individuals with any skin tone and on almost any part of body which may or may not be exposed to sun radiations. The mostly effected site for it to develop is trunk whereas lower legs in women. It may appear as:
·        It may appear as a mole with different shades of black, brown or tan. As it grows, it may exhibit blue, white or even red color.
·        A large, brownish spot with darker color
·        It may have irregular borders and asymmetrical.
·        Any change in shape or color of lesion with bleeding, itching or crusting maybe a warning sign.
·        They may be difficult to identify and may not resemble any of the above mentioned characters.


    1.  CHECK YOURSELF: Check yourself with the help of mirror for any new skin growths on ear, cheek, neck, scalp, back and front of hands. Examine your trunk and front and back of your legs as well as buttock region and genitals. If you find any suspicious growth consult your doctor.

    2.  AVOID THE SUN DURING PEAK HOURS: For many people in South Asia, the sun’s rays are strongest between 11pm to 5pm in summer and autumn. Schedule the outdoor activity during cloudy weather and when the sun rays are cooled down.

    3.  WEAR SUNSCREEN: If you have to get out in the sun rays try to apply sun-screen. They may not filter out all the harmful sun rays but may protect against time to a great extent.
It is preferred to apply sunscreen of at least SPF 30 even on cloudy days. Apply generous amount on tips of ears, neck, back of hands, lips and face.

    4.  WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHES: Cover your skin with tightly woven clothes that covers your arms and legs and a hat. Although baseball cap may work fine but it’s much better to use a broad brimmed hat. And protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses.

    5.  MEDICATIONS AND PROCEDURES: Some antibiotics and anti-tuberculous drugs may make your skin more sensitive to sunlight and increase the risk factor. Avoid tanning beds as they increase the risk of skin cancer by many folds.


 Skin cancer is an emerging problem in today’s world with incidence rate increasing with every decade. It is all due to detoriation in the ozone layer which is making harmful radiation entering the Earth’s atmosphere more than ever. 

Therefore, it is better to protect yourself against the radiation. Use sunscreen, sunglasses and hat to protect yourself as it is not at all a luxury as some people imply but rather a necessity. 

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