The Anxious Generation!

People are generally confused about what is the difference between stress and anxiety? Why more and more people are complaining to be suffering from anxiety? How to cope up with anxiety? Let’s find out the answers


Stress, to put it simply any demand placed on your brain or physical body. This implies that whenever you are close to some deadline, before an exam, finding a job you may fell stressed and actually stress is not always bad. The stress has proved to be positive as well as negative. It can be positive when it kicks in and help you pull off that deadline you thought was a lost cause and it can be negative when it leads to insomnia, poor concentration and impaired ability to do things you normally do. In short, stress is just a response to threat in any given conditions.

Anxiety, on the other hand is a response to stress. It is a fear of unknown or what is about to come next. It is generally experienced during first day of school, going to a job interview or giving a speech in front of a big crowd. It is normal to feel anxious when moving to someplace new, or starting a new job and it may even push you to work harder and better. But anxiety disorder is when it interferes with your normal daily life, causes you to stop doing things you enjoy, in worst case scenario it may prevent you from entering elevators alone, crossing the street, or even leaving your home. Studies suggest that women are more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders than men.
Physical and psychological symptoms are produced by them. Although they may vary from person to person, some of them are listed as under:

  •         Excessive sweating
  •     Headache
  •         Stomach ache
  •         Rapid breathing
  •         Fast heartbeats
  •         Change in eating habits and frequent urination
  •         Diarrhea
  •         Sleeping alteration and restlessness
  •         Feeling of impending doom
  •         Irrational and excessive anger
  •         Nervousness in social standings

Chronic anxiety may also badly effect the health and may give rise to heart diseases and high blood pressure, depression, diabetes and anxiety disorders.


  Ø PANIC DISORDER: Recurring panic attacks at unexpected times, with severe mood and health changes. The individual may show irritation, frustration or disgust with things around.

  Ø SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER: Extreme fair of social standings and situations. The individual may be very conscious about being judged by others.

  Ø SEPARATION ANXIETY DISORDERS: Fear of being away from home and departed from the loved ones.

  Ø ILLNESS ANXIETY DISORDERS: This is an anxiety in which the individual constantly fears about health and well-being.

  Ø PHOBIA: An excessive fear of specific objects, situation or activity.

 Ø POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER: Anxiety attacks followed by a traumatic events, or the person is not able to cope up with the traumatic event after years.


According to American Psychology Association in the year 2000, Children today reports more anxiety than child psychiatric patients in the 1950s
That’s huge, isn’t it?

Not only anxiety, depression is on rise in millennial (people born between years 1980-2000) with an increase in about 47% in past few years. Individuals from Generation Z (born between 1995-2015) have even a worse rate of about 63%. But why? Why is this generation so much prone to be associated with mental health conditions? Well there are some major reasons behind them, let’s have a look:

  Ø SOCIAL MEDIA: The biggest contributing factor for mental issues these days. Seeing all these celebrities having a “PERFECT” life, your friends having dinner at a lavish restaurant, that dude going for vacations 3rd time in a month! All this can easily trap you in the fear of missing out. Social media influencers and enthusiasts have created a huge illusion of being perfect. Perfect faces, perfect cars, perfect homes, perfect relationships. This has made the Generation Z believe in some unrealistic perfect world which is obviously not possible to attain and this as result strike them with huge anxiety disorders.

Not only limiting to that, Cyber-bullying and harassment have increased with increased dependence on social media. Mocking others, degrading people on their opinion, it’s all so common now that we don’t even find it problematic. And the biggest problem is that we are so much independent on social media these days that we can’t just turn off the device and walk away from it.

  Ø HIGH EXPECTATIONS: Millennial experience a lot of pressure and expectations to succeed, expectation from themselves or from parents. With the highly expensive world and job instability millennial find it way too hard to settle in a comfortable life. According to one study, 74% of millennial want home-ownership but are not able to attain due to high debts and unstable careers. In a completely impossible race of being financially stable and living a dream life, many have changed their goals had are prioritizing happiness and finding a fulfilling job.

  Ø WORLD’S CHAOS: A changed world, chaos everywhere, never ending genocides, mass killing incidents and bomb blast. These are the factors which have badly altered the mental health on millennial and generation Z. This factor is made worse by the high influence of news channels and print media who focus on spreading mayhem, panic and chaos to increase their viewership.

  Ø DECREASED FAMILY TIME: With a busy life style and over burdening jobs. Family ties are getting weaker and it highly impacts the mental health of a child. When parents are absent from home, children have no other outlet to express their emotions and feelings about their day. These children may tend to feel insecure, develop trust issues. Children who are deprived of proper attention from their parents are often more inclined towards virtual media to escape from loneliness. This may lead to lack to empathy, severe isolation and ability to make small talks.

  Ø WORST DIETARY HABITS: Millennial have the worst eating habits. Eating late at night or eating just before sleeping may impact badly to your well-being. Out of all the dietary factors that can aggravate anxiety, caffeine is the most notorious. Many people have said that they feel calmer and sleep better after they have reduced their caffeine consumption. Too much caffeine can keep you tensed and vulnerable to anxiety. Avoid sugary snacks and fizzy drinks, water is the best thing to drink and drink enough of water. It helps transport hormones and nutrients to vital organs of body.


  Ø TALK IT OUT: It very healthy to talk it out to any of your friend, family or siblings when you are feeling stressed. Good relationships with friend and family are very important, a reassuring voice, even for a few minutes can put everything in perspective. Some people tend to keep their emotions and stress to themselves and prefer not to talk about it, which may lead to be disastrous for their general well-being.

  Ø  TALKING YOURSELF OUT OF IT: Sometimes it is not an option to call a friend. In this case, talk calmly to yourself. I know, it may sound crazy but it will work. Tell yourself why you are stressed out, how can you cope up with it and most importantly, assure yourself that everything will be okay.

  Ø EAT HEALTHY: Don’t use sugary, fatty snack food as a resort for anxiety! This is what most of us do wrong, we binge eat a lot of sugary and fatty food when we are stressed. Eating fruits and vegetable is actually the thing you should be eating more at these times. Fish with high levels of omega 3 fatty acids have shown to reduce symptoms of stress.

  Ø SLEEP BETTER: Lack of sleep may be a key cause of stress. Make sure to have a sleep of 7-8 hours. Some studies even suggest that sleeping early and waking up early may keep your circadian rhythm in sync and contribute to a happy mood.

  Ø LAUGH! : Laughter releases endorphins that improve mood and decrease levels of cortisol and adrenaline (stress-causing hormone). So, watch your favorite comedy movie and laugh your heart out.

  Ø DRINK TEA: Green tea specifically contain less than half of caffeine than coffee and contain healthy anti-oxidants, as well as theanine (a substance that having calming effect on nervous system).

  Ø EXERCISE: You don’t need to go straight to the gym for the membership whenever you are feeling stressed. Just go for a short walk, or jogging or you may even stretch for a while. Getting your blood moving may release endorphins which may improve your mood and offer immediate relief in a stressful situation.


It’s hard to cope with stress sometimes. To all the people reading, be there for your family and friends, try to boost them up. A word of reassurance can put a lot of positivity in their life. Don’t even sarcastically or jokingly criticize the person already in anxiety as it may pull them more towards self-doubt. Be careful before passing a foul comment or judgement on someone, you might be the reason for inducing anxiety. Let’s be sensible, loving and instead of being the reason for someone’s anxiety, help them fight it.

If you are the one suffering from anxiety, don’t worry everything will go back to its right place and things will be better as they used to be. Just keep on going, can look for all the possibilities ahead of you. Work for them, keep busy as it may divert your mind. Try to listen to motivational speakers as they may help, keep a step forward to heal yourself instead of sitting there for anyone else to heal you. You can do it! Just keep moving ahead! You are doing great!

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